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Sofiat Abdulrazaaq ' 09


Sofiat Abdulrazaaq ' 09

Chief Executive Officer, Goodfynd

嗨,我是苏菲! After graduating with degrees in Political Science and Psychology, I've worked with some of the world's largest banks, 非营利组织, 科技公司. My roles have varied from chief of staff to product lead to entrepreneur. My role as an entrepreneur has been the most challenging but also the most rewarding – I love to develop products that make users lives easier and create lasting impact. I live in New York with my "pup son" Cavalli-Veneta, 工作之余, I am passionate about adult literacy and teach classes at the Brooklyn Library.



The work project/initiative I'm most excited about...
planned enhancements to our platform and meeting the future needs of our users. For me, its always about impact.

How Virginia Tech equipped me for the "real world"...
科技是巨大的! In many ways, it was an accurate depiction of the "real world" diverse backgrounds, experiences, etc. I learned how to build relationships, 批判性思考, to create impact within an ecosystem, 永远不要贪小.

The idea for Goodfynd came from...
my coFounder, Kyle, came up with the idea wanting a better way to connect with mobile food business.

I volunteered at an adult 首页 in Richmond. I developed my passion for adult literacy while working there, it was surprising to see how many adults in the 首页 couldn't read or write well.

Fondest Virginia Tech memory...
my first football game as a freshman. There are few experiences like being in Lane Stadium for the first time: dressed in orange and maroon from head to toe, 的口号, 当然还有食物!

Words of encouragement to a current Virginia Tech student...
don't be afraid to take risk! "Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will" is a saying that I live by.

The best advice I received on starting a business...
honestly, there is no best advice. Generally, starting a business is hard and its not for the faint of heart.

dogs, specifically my five pounder :)

What you do is who you are -Ben Horowitz.