弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页



要接受offer,请提交你的 $400 通过您的 申请人门户 by 5月15日 2024 夏季入境及 2024年6月1日 秋季入学.

Finding things you need to be a part of the community is a lot easier with OneCampus. 看到 onecampus.hidekoquanyin.net 用于表单、门户条目等.

Once you have officially accepted your offer and your payment has been processed (typically 48-72 hours after your payment is received), 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含如何创建您的 VT Username 紧随其后的是 @hidekoquanyin.net. 然后可以通过Microsoft Outlook访问该帐户 my.office365.hidekoquanyin.net 通过输入完整的电子邮件地址.

请寄一份最终的官方成绩单 每一所学院或大学, 包括双招生工作. 如果目前正在参加春季课程, please send an official transcript from this school as soon as your inprogress work has been completed and these final grades have been posted. 这将有助于加快官方对你转学学分的评估. You should also send AP/IB/CLEP or other score reports for credit noted in your submitted Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) or provided for admissions review.

Applicants required to complete the SRAR for admissions review are also required to update and resubmit the SRAR with final course outcomes that were in-progess at the point of review.

The SRAR must be updated and resubmitted (if applicable) and ALL transcripts/score reports with grades/outcomes through the Spring 2024 term should be received by June 15, 2024.

如果你将在夏天完成额外的课程, you must send one additional transcript for this school 只要这些等级有货 — 但是这个不需要在6月15日之前收到.

Sending a high school transcript is optional at this point but can be a good idea, especially if you have world language credit as this can apply towards certain graduation requirements.

Send transcripts and score reports via electronic delivery or physical mail to:




540-231-6267 | 540-231-3242(传真).

  • 当可用的, complete additional scholarship and  financial aid requirements as requested in HokieSPA, HokieSpa.hidekoquanyin.net. Keep an eye on your email for the latest developments with 奖学金 and financial aid timelines.
  • 免疫接种:访问健康中心.vt.然后滚动到“New 学生”.完成这个 2024年6月30日 为了避免滞纳金.
  • 查阅有关电脑的要求 compreq.hidekoquanyin.net.
  • 完整的虚拟定向模块. 检查你的VT email for more information on orientation and    class registration.
  • 如果适合你的专业,完成任何安置评估, 比如亚历克斯, 在被建议进行课程作业之前. Information, including deadlines for completion, will be sent to you through your VT email.

你的奖学金/经济援助通知可以通过你的 申请人门户. 请在入口的右侧看有标签的区域 “你的经济援助通知已经准备好了."



Next steps for transfers admitted to Spring 2025 will be published prior to the release of admissions decisions for that term.

要接受offer,请提交你的 $400 通过您的 申请人门户 by 2022年5月15日 夏季报名及 2022年6月1日 秋季入学.

Finding things you need to be a part of the community is a lot easier with OneCampus. 看到 onecampus.hidekoquanyin.net 用于表单、门户条目等.

Once your payment is processed and you have officially accepted your offer, 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含如何创建您的 VT的用户名 紧随其后的是 @hidekoquanyin.net and this can be accessed through Gmail 通过输入完整的电子邮件地址. Please note that this can take 48-72 hours after your payment is received through your 申请人门户.

As soon as you accept your offer of admission you should begin the process of sending official college transcripts and documents. 请寄一份最终的官方成绩单 any college or university attended, 包括双招生工作.

如果你还在完成学院或大学的课程, please send an official transcript from this school as soon as you accept the offer and a second transcript once your in-progress work has been completed with final grades. 这将有助于加快官方对你转学学分的评估. You should also send AP/CLEP or other score reports for credit noted in your submitted Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR).

You are also required to update and resubmit the SRAR with your final course and grade information. The SRAR must be updated and resubmitted and ALL transcripts/score reports with grades through Spring 2022 should be received by June 15, 2022. 如果你将在夏天完成额外的课程, 你必须寄一份最终成绩单, 除上述要求外, 只要这些等级有货, 但是这个不需要在6月15日之前收到.

Sending a high school transcript is optional at this point but can be a good idea, especially if you have foreign language credit as this can apply towards certain graduation requirements.

Send transcripts and score reports via electronic delivery or physical mail to:

540-231-6267 | 540-231-3242(传真)

你的奖学金/经济援助通知可以通过你的 申请人门户. 请在入口的右侧看有标签的区域 “你的经济援助通知已经准备好了."

  • 免疫接种:访问 辅导处.hidekoquanyin.net 然后滚动并点击“新学生”."
  • 查阅有关电脑的要求 compreq.hidekoquanyin.net.
  • 完成要求的在线课程,如 alcoholEDU, diversityEDU和Haven.
  • Complete any placement assessments, if applicable, sent to you through your VT email.

您将立即通过电子邮件收到重要信息. 一定要检查你的 hidekoquanyin.net的电子邮件 frequently as you move forward with becoming a new 弗吉尼亚理工大学 student!


If your final grades are significantly lower than your previous academic performance in your final term(s); if you fail to complete the university’s minimum requirements for admission into your major (note that grades of “C” or higher must be earned for credit to transfer); if an updated Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) is not submitted by the deadline noted above (as applicable); if official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended are not received by the deadline noted above; or if your post-admission criminal record inquiry is not cleared.