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这是一个 list of frequently asked questions about the 黑人学院 program.

每年申请开放时间不迟于 12月中旬.

每年,申请都会关闭 4月26日.

不,论文是申请的一部分. If you do not complete the essay, your application will be marked as incomplete. 

决定将在今天结束前公布 2024年4月26日.

You and your parents/guardians must complete the registration form, BCI vt -用药表, 和BCI vt -参与者紧急情况, 健康和媒体不迟于 5月10日. If you do not complete ALL three of the forms, you no longer can attend.

  • “BCI vt -用药表”, 和"BCI vt -参与者紧急情况, 健康和媒体”是通过Docusign发送的.
  • 注册表格链接与您的报价电子邮件一起发送.

Yes, you will get a confirmation email that you've completed your registration.

非正式的成绩单将于下周提交 2024年5月20日. Instructions for this will be sent after you accept your offer to BCI by completing your registration.

Your transcript will be used during your one on one virtual meeting with an admissions representative. 

You will receive an email after completing your registration form with instructions on w在这里 to submit your transcript. 如果找不到,就发邮件 bci@hidekoquanyin.net 网上赌博网站十大排行会重新发给你.

You can apply to our rising juniors BCI program if you are currently in 10th grade by the time of the application.

You can apply to our rising seniors BCI program if you are currently in 11th grade by the time of the application.

No, you can only apply to our rising seniors BCI program if you are currently in 11th grade by the time of the application.

No, we encourage you to apply for BCI when you are in 10th grade the next year.

No, you must re-apply for the in person BCI the following year.

不,BCI是免费的. 你只需要提供自己的交通工具. 一旦你进入校园,网上赌博网站十大排行会为你提供食宿.

Please note that transportation to 弗吉尼亚理工大学 will not be provided and students should not drive personal vehicles to campus. Parents or designated representatives will be provided parking passes for student drop-off and pick-up upon arrival on campus.


  • The SmartWay bus makes several stops in the New River Valley area, including the Roanoke Regional Airport and Squires Student Center (on VT's campus; w在这里 they will be met by a BCI representative).
  • The MegaBus (Virginia Breeze) also makes stops on the VT campus.
  • 美国铁路公司的火车.
  • 校园地图
  • 房屋面积
  • 床单、枕套、枕头、毯子或睡袋. The bed linen size is twin extra-long (XL); however, it can accommodate traditional full-size or bigger linens.
  • 舒适的步行鞋
  • Closed-toed shoes or sneakers - some of the spaces we will be entering require shoes with closed-toes.
  • Rain gear - we may be outside for a program, rain or shine.
  • Mud-wear - we will be outside for one program and some of the spaces are muddy so please bring appropriate footwear.
  • Business casual attire (t在这里 are several occasions during the program w在这里 this attire is encouraged). 这是一个 商务休闲装指南 来自网上赌博网站十大排行的职业发展部门.
  • Casual clothing that is enough for the duration of the program.  
  • Exercise clothing - we will go to the recreation center at least one evening.
  • Appropriate swimsuit is optional for one of the activities available.
  • Snacks - please refrain from bringing snacks with any type of nuts.
  • 毛巾和毛巾
  • 洗漱用品,包括肥皂, 洗发水, 牙刷, 牙膏, 除臭, 梳/刷, 的浴帽, 护发产品, 淋浴的鞋子, 和防晒霜.
  • Phone chargers - please do not bring laptops/ipads/tablets or other expensive items.
  • 可选棒球帽或帽子
  • Any necessary medications and make sure to fill out the "BCI vt -用药表" sent via Docusign to your parent/guardian's email.

网上赌博网站十大排行遵循 弗吉尼亚理工大学的口罩政策.

虽然不是必需的, 弗吉尼亚理工大学学生, 员工, and visitors are encouraged to be vaccinated and to get a booster dose. 疫苗仍然是网上赌博网站十大排行抵御COVID-19的最佳保护.

No, family members must find overnight accommodations off-campus. 看到 在这里 for more information about accommodations in the Blacksburg area.

访问 这个页面 for information about accommodations in the Blacksburg area for family members.

No, family members are only invited and allowed to attend check-in, 开幕式, 闭幕式, 和退房. This allows for your student to fully participate and be engaged in the program.